Build a Better Player
The Best Baseball Training for Youth, Travel & High School Players in 2023
A 9 Step Program that Builds a Better Player from the Ground Up!
Book One of the 5 Book Series
- Build a Better Player
- Build a Better Pitcher
- Build a Better Catcher
- Build a Better Hitter
- Build a Better Fielder

Coming Soon, Summer 2023
Explore the 5 Books in the Baseball Training Series
Who is this for?
Parents, New Coaches & Players that are playing at the Youth Baseball, Travel Baseball & High School Baseball Levels.
That are looking to improve in these Skill Areas: Pitching Hitting Fielding Catching!
The Ultimate Baseball Training Series for Young Players

I ordered the Build a Better Player Book on a Pre-Publication Offer. It was Excellent!
I was looking for Baseball Training Books for Youth Players, so the Timing was good.
I just started coaching my Son's Team in the Fall. Just helping out... so the book was great for giving me a "Big Picture". Then I got an email from them about the series.
I needed something that was more pitching focused. My Son just started Pitching in the Fall, so I wanted to see what was in the "Pitching" Skill Book. Honestly, it might have been the best sports skill training book I have ever read.
It was focused, easy to read and understand. And I just saw that they have a full online portal to really get deeper into the training. I can take it with me.
Can't wait to get them all of the books.

Paul E.
- Dad and "Brand New" Coach -

Book 1 is a 4 Part Overview of the Entire Series
A Comprehensive Baseball Training Guide that also has 4 Breakout Books coming in Summer of 2023.
Build a Better Pitcher, Build a Better Catcher, Build a Better Hitter and Build a Better Fielder.
Whether you are a fan, a parent with kids starting to play or maybe a new coach that has not had a ton of experience playing.
It is great for those that want to have their kids with local coaches, as it allows you to better understand what is being taught with the different positions and it helps you better absorb what the coach is doing developmentally with your player, aka child.
The entire series is a "MUST READ" for those with kids just entering the sport or even better for those that really want to help their player take it to the next level.
A Look Inside
"Build a Better Player"
The Hottest, Most Current Youth to High School Baseball Training Books and Online Learning Portal. Learn More!

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Backstory & Introduction:
Why More Baseball Training Content?
Is this Really that Different?

Hi, I'm David Jamison...
I am super glad you are here!
You are 1 Step Away from Getting some of the Best Baseball Training available in 2023!
I have been Coaching Baseball since my son was 4 years old. He is almost 21 as of writing.
All the way from the Good ole' T-Ball Days, through Rec Ball, All-Stars, Travel Ball, High School and now he is playing in College. Not coaching on the Field these days, but the Coaching Never Stops.
Watching and Videoing Games and then doing Video Analysis and reviews with my Son after his outings, as well as being an armchair coach watching his team. Also spend a ton of time watching all of the kids that played on our Travel Program over the years.
The list of player names that played with Team Revolution (at some level) and now playing in college is pretty impressive. Will share those later.
* It is important to note, that the Authors involved in creating these Training Books and Online Portal go far beyond just me. I could not take credit for the final product without mentioning co-authors and contributors.

The Brains Behind the Book...
Authors, Co-Authors & Contributors for the Baseball Training Series
Learn More About Each of Them Below


TBN (Release Form Pending)

TBN (Release Form Pending)

TBN (Release Form Pending)

TBN (Release Form Pending)
After I read the 1st one, I had to read all of them. I had the good fortune of being on the Pre-Release List to Read and Review the Books. I just couldn't put down them down until I turned the last page.
Well done, well thought through and even better with how they presented the information.
As I write this review, I am trying to finish the "Catcher" guide. I coach a High School Team and my son was a catcher. So I could not skimp on that one. Read all of them. Really, really good stuff. I will be using these guides as part of our training & development.
Knowing the Main Author / Coach, if figured there would be humor, banter and over-the-top cheesiness. Well, I can say that I was not dissapointed. And NO, there is NO Humor, Banter or over-the-top anything. All On-Point Useful Training Content and I learned a ton actually. And I have been around the game of baseball since I was a kid. My Dad coached with the White Sox organization, so I am not stranger to baseball development.
When I was asked to review the Pre-Release Books, I was not surprised one ounce that "Coach Dave" had created these books. One of our son's played on his Teams in Rec Ball and then their Travel Team from age 10 to 13. So the Training Content was not new. I mean even our Practice Plans were bound and laminated. So this was the next step. Really Good Stuff.
I remember the first exposure I had to Coach Dave was watching their Team Practice at the same complex my son practiced at. Me and a couple of other Dads from our Team would stand by the Fence and watch these guys run a practice. It was like watching a College Practice. And the kids were 11. This was Travel Baseball so we expected tighter practices.
I played baseball all the way through High School and had been exposed to good practice, but this was TOTALLY NEXT LEVEL. 4 Coaches running 16 Kids through 4 Stations with 2 minute breaks. No wasted time, no lolligaggin'... Just Great Practice.
So when I got the call and was asked to review the content I said sure. A few days later I got the package with the 4 books and access to the online stuff. I was blown away by how well put together the book was and how well structured the training content was. It was all in a very easy to read, logical format and Honestly... I was FLAT OUT Impressed! "Must Have" Books for any Rec, Travel or High School Coach.
Congrats Coach on the Books.

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In my own words...
It was incredibly rewarding getting the "Build a Better Player" series of Baseball Books / Training Guides completed and published. Working with the other Coaches and Contributors was a real eye opener and I learned a ton along the way myself. We are still a couple of months out on launching the E-Portal for Online Access for the books as well as the Online Training Academy.
We will also be launching a Remote Coaching Portal in the Fall of 2023.
So Stay Tuned!
We are always looking for great Authors, Coaches & Content Creators that want to contribute to our Publications, but also be the Next Big E-Pub Author. If you have valuable content, skills or are a Subject Matter Expert, let us help you "Unpack Your Genius" and Get Published!
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More to come soon! David Jamison